Friday, June 15, 2007

June 15, 2007 - Friday

First day helping in N. Reading; it was a good day - J. looks fine - trying to get some sun and i preached to her about melanoma - and how she can only stay out in the sun for no more than 15 minutes unless she had sunscreen on.

Preaching about cancer to someone who just had intense chemotherapy seems like another oxymoron.


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday - June 14, 2007

It's been a long evening/morning - I'm (hopefully) suffering from allergies. I have been blowing my nose since last night.

I'm going out in service and I have to find time to do my bible reading as well.

Mar has a part on the school tonite.

ok I really don't have much to say this morning - my head is still cloudy from lack of sleep.

oh it's thursday - June 14, 2007

It's late or early - depending on how you see it.

picked up Mar at the airport with a strawberry shortcake dessert from the 9's and a healthy chicken stir-fry - to handle either of the extremes - we headed back to her house with a fast stop at Kappy's for two bottles of wine and we sat for about 2 hours was good to hear her talk and see her too

i'm home now, in bed with hubbie sleeping soundly as i watch tv to see the redsox lose and the yankees win.... all's good in the world right now....

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday - June 13, 2007 - 2nd Post; Been Reading

I've been reading a few blogs - just by accident - and they are all innocent Melanoma victims - I say victims because they are being victimized by a horrible horrible predator.

two of the blogs are of people that have died already - i placed a link to their blogs - and I found a really great one of a survivor and I pray that she continues in her path of good health - her name is Lori and I wish her the best.

Check out her profile and her several blogs at Miss Melanoma

Wednesday - June 13, 2007

It's kind of chilly today - I will try to remember to put an extra sweater into the camaro for Mar for when I pick her up tonite at 7:30.

Today is an extension of yesterday - working hard in the morning - and finalizing some of the housecleaning that I was almost finished with yesterday.

I'm going to have a shower - get dressed - go to the bank and get my nails done =)

Then around 2:30pm - I'm off to N. Reading for an afternoon with Jess and Gordon.

I hope to find some time to listen to the Bible reading and get some studying in.

nonetheless going to try to print some newer pics and put them around the house

im outtie

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday - June 12, 2007 - Joanne's Day

A beautiful, beautiful day - although I didn't go outside to enjoy any of it. I opted to open the windows and let the breeze and sunshine in - and cleaned my living room. At first it was to straighten and put things away but then I saw, and look! in the corner hubbie's stationary bike that he so geekily set up with headphones and roller-ball mouse.

I thought to myself, self - he really needs to ride that thing - so maybe pulling it out of the corner and placing it in the middle of the room would be a great idea. I think so - so now it's all about planning where to move things so I can complete my task - but if you know me - NOTHING is ever that simple.

So I pull the bike out of the corner - step 1 completed
then I stand back and say to myself - really I should get rid of this leather chair and then move the sofa bed to where the love seat is so I can get to the cubelike piece of furniture behind the sofa - well if I do that...then I'll have to move all the books around and dust everything and ...and....and....

get it?

so the room is totally change except for the things I cannot move - the desk with all four computers and two printers - the book cases and the fireplace

I dusted, lit a partylite candle and vacuumed practically ALL day.

I did put a lot of things into the bins I bought at Staples a while back and now they are in the "dining room" - I am hoping that wonderful hubbie will move it to the basement for me =)

the living room is nice and I'm happy that I was able to get things done

Marilyn called as she was relaxing for an hour at the pool while Joanie took a nap.

It was a hour of laughing and talking - I miss her - I'm glad she is coming back on Wed. and I'm picking her up YAY

I go to care for the kids tomorrow and I have quite a shopping list to fulfill.

I'm also needed for Friday.

I'll post for Marilyn later

Monday, June 11, 2007

Monday - June 11, 2007 - Joanne's Day

Today, although the Barry (my fave weatherman) said it would be chilly and rainy - it was hot, sunny and humid.

I stayed home to clean the apartment but Jeannie (the woman who I study the bible with) called to ask me to come over and see all that she had done in her house for the meeting with DSS.

I came over and it was amazing - I offered to bring over some candles and stuff to make it homey - when I got back home, I found a lot of things to bring over - and I stayed there until almost 2pm helping her to clean up and decorate for the meeting.

Afterwards, I met with KBrown at the house to lend her some money until the end of the week - then I literally jumped into the shower in order to get to n. reading by 3pm.I made it over by 3:05pm with traffic and road work at reading center. I wasn't able to get an iced coffee but it was ok - I cleaned up and started the dishwasher. Gordie had his friend Kyle over (kyle had really nice red hair) and they went out to a friends house and Jessie and I Wii'd and boiled eggs for egg salad.

Gregg got home around 5:2o to bring Jessie to a softball game and I hung out until 6pm and put a load of laundry into the dryer.

I have plans to do Jessie's nails and take a walk on Wednesday.

I spoke with Marilyn earlier and she is going to call me to update her day.

It was a good day and I'm tired.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

June 10, 2007 ~ Marilyn's Sunday

One of the many things Mar and I love!

From Marilyn:

"Meeting this morning was awesome, Bro. Brier gave an incredibly moving talk on Walking with God, after the meeting my fabulous friends Atom and Joanne took me out to lunch at the Mexican place in Melrose Square, it was delicious. That dip is to die for. Then Joanne whipped me into Logan airport - plane is on time but it was the smallest plane i've ever seen and i had to walk outside to get to that's a first.

nobody sitting next to me - I'm on way to the final trek of caring for Joanie.

Yesterday her cell count was 1800 today it is 8000! Tonite tried to venture to whole foods for special probiotics however the shuttle rushed for the waterfront instead - must now wait until A.M because they are closed.

One last thought - THANKS Joanne for my singing card and my journal to write down these notes."

June 10, 2007 ~ My Sunday thoughts

Marilyn is now in Baltimore - taking over for Greg and Jessie.

We went to the meeting this morning and took her out to lunch to Mexico Lindo in Melrose before taking her to Logan.

It's a beautiful day in MA today - and I am looking forward to seeing Jessie and Gordie tomorrow after a day of work work work.

Here is a picture of Marilyn and I - on a day in the ministry, among her fave flowers - Azealeas.